The weather has been horrible. Well, I guess that is a relative term since I have lived in places where it has been MUCH worse, but today was a saving grace. When every hour is scheduled, a cancellation can be a Godsend. While I love going to my annual doll club luncheon, I was elated when the call came through that it was cancelled due to bad weather. Now, there is bad weather, and BAD weather. Having spent my college years at the very tip-top of New York State, I know BAD weather. For heavens sake--if you waited for decent weather up there you wouldn't have any life at all, so you just got on with it. Granted, when you went out on the road that had a 1" base of solid ice covered with 2' of snow, and the temperature at -20*, there wasn't a lot of competition for space on the road. If your car skidded across two or three lanes of roadway, chances were good that there wasn't anybody else out there to argue with you while you wrestled your car back into compliance, and you learned about all there was to know about handling a car in crisis. I am grateful for that early training, because, like learning to ride a bicycle, it stays with you forever. I kind of chuckle over the weather crises that we have here on Long Island, because they are pretty wussy. But, wussy can be life threatening when confronted by three lanes of folks who think they can actually stop those SUV's on a dime, and tend to ride at 50+ no matter what. So--it's all relative.
When the call came about the luncheon cancellation, I headed to the grocery stores with my list in hand, considering it a golden opportunity, since everyone else would be in the mall, hunting up those last minute gifts. The stores weren't bad, except that they didn't have many checkers on, but I was able to get what I needed, and so I head into next week well prepared, and armed for all the company to come. Our house is the holiday place, since we have a big dining room, and the layout is great for large gatherings. People can blend from one room to the next, depending on the conversation, they can get around freely, and I like to think that the food is pretty good. We always have a house full, and it is the greatest pleasure. I have an aunt who always said that it was a joy to have people who wanted to come and visit, and she was absolutely right. In fact, it may be time to schedule a visit with her, since it has been a while. I used to feel it was in imposition, but now I see it differently. God bless her and all the courageous folks who had us over weekends when our kids were growing up. Entertaining a family with five active children is a daunting prospect that I appreciate more and more as time goes by.
We have three extra bedrooms, and they will all be filled over the holidays. Now that I am nearly ready, I confess to looking forward to it. Last week when it was all ahead of me I was worried that I wouldn't get it all done. Better today. Life's joys!