Okay. So, I have decided to give a shower for someone special who is having their first baby. I am ahead of time, since the date is more than two months away. I can make invitations. I head out to my favorite place--The Materials Resource Center. I think of it as Crafts Without Guilt. They collect unwanted leftover items from stores going out of business, or leftover inventory, or manufacturing byproducts, and sell them off by weight. I have gone out of that store with an armload of good stuff for almost no cost, and it is all "recycled". You never know what is going to be there, and it usually takes more than one pass through, because I can't always put it together in my head until I get home and think about it for a while--"Oooo! That would be great for...."
I picked out paper for invitations, and some for the envelopes. They had premade scrapbook stick-ons--cute little baby carriages in pink and blue. Then I remembered the box of sealing wax "coins" over in the corner. They also had these funky wide sticky tapes with things printed on them--one being the specifics for a baby shower. I bought enough for 30 cards.
Well,I confess it took me at least two afternoons to design and cut the envelopes, one more to letter and assemble the cards, and then another to fill in and seal the cards into the envelopes. One trip and four dollars to the dollar store would have accomplished the same thing. Oh well--look how cute they are!