Finally we are in some pretty days, and looking to have supper on the deck under our honey locust trees. Those trees give lovely shade to the deck, but they certainly have their share of drawbacks. In the middle of June they are infested with aphids that drop down on you if you are out there sitting or weeding, and the rest of the time they drop these tiny leaves that shrivel up into loose clumps that do not biodegrade. You could use them for mulch...But I digress.
So--dinner on the deck. Ah, but look! MyTreasure has built a scaffold so that he can finish the shingles on the back of the house. There are tools on the table, and a step ladder, and boxes of shingles. This has been going on for many years. MT decided when he retired he would reshingle the house himself. The house is HUGE. After several years of planning and measuring, and stain-testing, he started on the front. Each year he moved to another side. Some years he didn't finish a side, and continued the following year. Last year he made it around to the back side, but didn't finish. This summer he has made it around to the back deck. There were a couple of complications--the little old light fixture was about as rusted as it could get, but still clinging to the wall next to the back door. Wiring and repositioning were required, and a new fixture was obtained. That done, the shingling continued. The supply was dwindling, however. Would it come out right, without having to purchase another box?
Yesterday was a celebration of sorts. The shingling was finally finished. There were only six nails left, and all the shingles were used up. MT was so happy! I confess it was a joy to see his sense of accomplishment. What an undertaking. We had our dinner out on the deck--a lovely evening. Today is foggy, muggy, gloomy, with thunderstorms on the way. It's okay--our shingles will keep us dry. Great job, MT!