We enjoy having the grandchildren over to visit, or stay, however we can fit things into our calendars. This weekend we were scheduled for an overnight with the "granddog". Yes, grandchildren come in different forms...
This one is particularly cute, and definitely

of a manageable size--a Yorkie, Morgan by name--apparently after the rum, not the poetic German morning of lieder that I would have hoped for, but, not my pet/child, so what can I say?
I had heard that she watches tv. Not so usual for a dog. More usual for the regulation style grandchild, but hey!, I am willing to go along. This afternoon I had on PBS Create, and she was perfectly happy to watch the quilting shows, and the Nancy Ziemann sewing show--even let me nap through Martha Pullen.
Saturday night tv is a bit more challenging, even for persons, and we had heard that Morgan doesn't like sports programs. Well, I don't either, but what is

this about? There were two stations with football games, and we put them on just to see what she would do. Good grief! The crazy little thing jumped at the screen, and if we changed the channel, she would go behind the tv to see if they were still back there! We put Nancy Ziemann back on (who knew she was on so many hours a day), and she sat down to watch. A dog who enjoys wearable art. Guess she has to grow up to do something in life....A girl after my own heart!