The weathermen on tv really take their jobs seriously, and they tend to get very excited whenever there is a major weather event in the making. Sometimes we get what they say, and sometimes it totally fizzles, and moves off in another direction. Normally, it doesn't matter if the bad weather bypasses us--that's a good thing. This, however, is the last weekend before Christmas. Time is critical here, and we need to know what is ahead of us.
This weekend was totally booked up for us--my annual doll club luncheon on the north shore was to take place today. Doesn't sound like any big deal, but a lot of preparation goes into it, by way of gifts for the other members, in addition to dolls and ornaments which will be swapped. Saturday night was to be dinner at friends--please bring hors d'oeuvres, yes I will, how nice. Sunday morning is the Christmas pageant for the grandkids up in Westchester, always sweet and touching, followed by brunch at the diner.
So, the weather reports start coming in by the middle of the week--bad, bad, more bad, especially for LI, which is going to be totally buried--don't even think about going out, you are going to die. Friday night the ladies from the doll club phone--cancel the luncheon--please call some members, etc, etc. Then, Saturday in the afternoon the dinner party falls apart--someone is sick, and besides, it is supposed to be a blizzard, etc, etc. I putter the day away, wary of going out to finish shopping--not just because of the predictions, but because it is Saturday--the last Saturday before Christmas, and who wants to be in the store wandering around with a lot of other people who also don't know what to purchase for those last people on their lists, who are always the problem ones that you have no clue what to get.
So far, late in the afternoon, there has been a dusting of snow, but the grass tips are still sticking out. I figure out what to do with the chicken breasts that I had thawed out to make appetizers for the dinner party. Actually a little bonus, since I find a great recipe out of the Weight Watchers cookbook, and we have a fine dinner--even if it is just the two of us. As a plus, there are leftovers...
So, finally at 8:30, when we would have been out at our friends', the blizzard happens. I look out of our upstairs window, and marvel at what nature can do. The sky is bright, and I can see the snow sheeting down, even in the dark--it looks almost like smoke spewing across the sky. It is supposed to continue through the night, and they have already sent emails cancelling church for the morning. No pageant either. Or diner. Lose some fun, but gain some time. Today I finished decorating, and tomorrow I will finish wrapping, and maybe find time to pick up those last minute things I need early in the week. That leaves two whole days for baking and food prep for Christmas day! Yay! I'll make it once again, and Christmas will be Merry!