So, an act of responsibility--the mere recycling of plastic bags becomes an act of obligation. I have bought those reusable bags for the grocery store, but still we accumulate plastic bags at an unconscionable rate. I save them up on my back porch, until the big bag is stuffed full, and then I take them out to the Materials Resource Center, which reuses them for their customers, and they always seem happy to see me show up with my supply. Unfortunately, I never seem to be able to just drop off the bags and leave empty handed. I try not to go until there is something there that I actually have a use for, and in that way minimize what I bring back home.
The item that I was looking for, unfortunately had been snapped up by someone who had a use for 500 antique wood spindles, and there were none to be had. Well. That took the wind out of my sails. But there on a shelf were cones of fuzzy thread. I picked one up, and it said 7700 (yardage?) kid mohair. Oh my. Too good to leave behind. Just what everyone needs--lace weight yarn. The last pr
Sooooooo, it came home with me. I wound it into balls (I keep putting off buying a yarn winder, since I am not knitting, and not buying yarn, I do not need one....) and pulled out my new knitting stitch book that I received for Christmas from my lovely niece, and cast on for a scarf. It is lovely soft stuff, and if I will just knit it, should work up into some gorgeous lacework Christmas presents for next year. All I have to do is stay upright in the evening when the tv goes on and knit, instead of just lying on the couch vegging out. I'll consider it self-improvement. A New Year's resolution for 2010--Lord knows, there weren't any others!