A very loooong time ago, I needed a place to put my music next to my piano. I collected this old record cabinet from someone who no longer wanted it, and my music was always easy to reach, since I was teaching lessons, and it had to be handy. It was never a pretty piece of furniture, and for some reason, I never got around to even painting the thing. I confess, I really didn't even see it anymore, and it has gone on in its ugliness many years after the piano students stopped coming.
I finally took a good look at the pile of books and old copies lurking there and decided it was time to make most of it go away. I found a skinny bookcase that looked like it would serve, but the box was 80" long, and was never going to fit into my car. The other day we hauled ourselves and our van over to the store, and brought
it home. I got out the tools that were shown in the picture. The whole set of directions was pictures, which work best for me, since I seem to be a visual person, and if the words are written in the country of manufacture, they often do not make much sense. I set about putting this little sweetie together. It was fairly simple, and I only made one (pretty big) mistake at the end when I nailed the backing in place and then realized I had the wrong side forward--very akin to stitching in Hattie's (see July 19th post) legs backwards so that her toes faced her heinie, and her heels were out front. I got a little screwdriver that let me dig out the nails (all 18 of them) without too much damage to the part that was going to show when it went back together.
I'm so proud! I threw out two big bags of books and paper copies, sorted out a couple of piles that can go to other musicians, and moved my organ music down from the back bedroom onto the nice new shelves. Now, no more shame in the music room!