Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas

Well--White-after-Christmas...Thankfully, Christmas Day was lovely and clear.

Today, the 26th is quite the different tale. The blizzard is predicted for Long Island, and we seem to be getting it. Yesterday, everyone was able to get here and be on their way without the agita of weather to add to their travels. One family even escaped to Florida by leaving on a 6am flight. How clever of them! By 9am there were tiny flakes in the air, and by 10, it was a full raging snow storm. Church finished by 11am, and I drove home on the ugly, untouched roads. When I got down to the Village, things had been salted, and the roads were only wet and black. NY State doesn't seem to feel the need to anticipate, and always leaves the salting out on Rt 231 until there is too much snow on the road to make it work without the plowing. The wind is coming in sideways from the north, and so are the flakes. Oddly, for the last number of hours, the wind is still blowing, but the accumulation is less than I would have thought.

But, there have been a couple of ominous flickers of the lights, so here's hoping the power stays on. We have a fire place, but the wood pile is out back, untouched for quite a number of years, since building a wood fire in our house seriously throws off the temperature in the whole rest of the house. We have a fancy candelabra in there now, and that kind of subs for a real fire (when we remember to light the candles.) But, if the power goes off, and we need some serious heat to keep the temperature of the house up high enough to keep the pipes from freezing, we are going to need the fireplace. Here's hoping the tree limbs all stay where they are, and the electricity stays on. This storm is supposed to blow until dinner time tomorrow. Right now, though, things sound pretty quiet outside--don't hear the wind hitting the house the way it was before. I don't understand the way it can cool things off in the house, even though MyTreasure has spent countless hours sealing up everything he can stuff with weather stripping. As soon as the wind comes up, this place feels like an old log cabin, with spaces between the logs.

Merry Christmas, everyone! We had fun yesterday, not so much today.