Those robins are such liars. Yesterday there were four robins hanging out at the bottom of the bird feeder. Today, we have this. I confess, those robins looked like they were fleeing the territory--they seem to be solitary whenever I see them pecking in the lawn in the spring and summer, only grouping together when they have travelling plans. Sometimes in the fall there will be twenty of them all feasting in our driveway before heading south (north? Who knows where they go?) One year we followed them home from Florida and there were multitudes of them along the grassy edges of the parkways when we got home. Then we had more snow.
Maybe the trick is to look for the singleton who has staked o
ut your yard for the season. If they are in a flock, don't let them suck you in to thoughts of spring. It's all a scam. The bonus for today is that there are four pairs of cardinals all desperate for seeds out at the feeder. The white snow magnifies their color, and they are so pretty going back and forth from the feeder to the lilac trees. What I'm hoping is that their desperation is not signalling more stinky weather...