Last year we took a trip to Hawaii. We landed in Kona, and stayed at a beautiful resort condo on the lava side of the island. It was so unusual there, since one whole side of the island is a giant lava field--everything is black and spiky--like being in outer space, but with lovely air and water. They have taken to building big resorts on that side of the island, out by the beach, but along the main (only) road there is nothing but black lava. We drove up to the north end where things were entirely different. You kind of turn a corner at the point of the island, and there is the most amazing giant vegetation covering everything. Trees are towering, with winding vines growing up that have huge leaves and bright flowers in reds and yellows. We pulled off the road at a marina, just to look at the ocean, and were rewarded with spinner dolphins hunting in a pack--close enough to follow what they were doing, circling, and feeding. Then, a pod of pilot whales came past--at least eight spouting, plus a baby who kept jumping.
We went further on, and were directed by signs to a small park/beach. We were the only people there, and the waves were crashing in on the rocks. The water was such a gorgeous blue green, and the foam was bright white, and it was all so striking, but a little creepy because it seemed so deserted. And--just to the left of the picture were big tsunami warning signs, and a tower with four horns attached to the top. Made me not want to linger.
This morning when we got up, the river flooding in New Jersey was bumped off the news by the tsunami warnings for Hawaii and the west coast. It took me right back to that beach. Now, I live on an island, but I could not live on THAT island. It has the volcano at your back, and the ocean at your front, and no place that you could get to for miles and miles. Maybe I think too much...it was pretty...