Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sun--Where Are You?

 We've been in a weather pattern this week of gray skies, drizzle and fog.  Couple that with shortening afternoons, and later mornings and it's a recipe for staying in bed and reading all day.  I thought we were due for a cold front that was going to crisp things up and give us our bright fall colors and the energy to accomplish all the things that need to get done before the holidays.  However, this year is so goofy that we don't even need to do holiday prep, because we won't be gathering the way we always did.

I was hoping that the pandemic pattern would be looking better by this time, but it seems like the folks who came down on the dire side of predictions are the correct ones, and there may be no relief for a long time.  At least they are finally finding treatments that work better, and the death rates are lower.

I've maintained that people today expect miracles from our medical community, but nature is ahead of humanity, and there are things out there that cannot be controlled or managed by man, like volcanoes, storms, and diseases.  We need to show respect: don't live next to the volcano, evacuate for the storm, wear the mask.  And, for heaven's sake--vaccinate your children!  Has no one ever read the symptoms for diphtheria?  That's one of the letters in the DPT shot...

So--I confess to succumbing to the Gloom.  In San Diego they call it the "June Gloom".  I guess we have October Gloom.  It's not cold though, and when I go out I don't get that bitey winter chill, so the kids will have good "trick or treat" weather.  In spite of what they say, I think we'll have a good number of kids coming by--it's outside, and they love it so.  I'm ready for them--bought Reeses, and made ghost pops.

And so--"the sun will come out tomorrow" or the day after that, or next week...

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Time on my hands...

 I haven't done any posts in a long time, and since the enjoyment of being unemployed and unencumbered wore off about two weeks ago, I thought maybe I'd see if my blog page still exists.  Like they've said, nothing disappears off the internet, and here I am.  I was surprised to see my last post was 2016.  I guess I've had better things to do, and now I don't.

I almost feel like an "empty nester" at this point, since everything I used to do has gone away, just like that--poof!  I went with the flow for many months, but I find now that if I don't redirect myself, I will just be another old person sitting in the proverbial rocking chair.  

I heard a bit on a brain improvement program about exercising your brain, and that happens when you do something new, not just the same old thing.  I did notice a few years ago that when I went to a shape-note singing group that it was truly challenging, and that made it exciting.  Right now musicians are out of luck when it comes to just about everything that used to keep us going, and I'm not enjoying the virtual aspect, so I have to look elsewhere.

I had bought a ton of scrapbook paper at a local recycling place that is no longer in existence, and never did much with it, but I've pulled it out, and have been enjoying making cards and ornaments.  Since right now, time is limitless, I put hours into designing and making paper things--some have given pleasure, some may never see the light of day--but they give me pleasure.  

And I wish I could figure a way to get back into exercising.  I don't enjoy it, but had it worked into my schedule in a way that I couldn't avoid it, and it was doing me good.  Now, I find just about anything else to do, and I'm avoiding it like the plague.  Oh yeah--that too...Of course, one of my distractions is to cook something, and then eat it--a vicious cycle there.  I'm only up three pounds though.

Next up, I think will be to photograph stuff that needs to leave my possession, and sell it on the internet.  Happily, I sold a whole box full to a local antique store--he came to my house and took almost everything I had put out for him.  I chuckle about these folks who find stuff on ebay, or their local thrift shop, and it turns out to be worth a bunch of bucks.  It's only worth that if you can find a buyer who will pay that price, so I'm not worried that I'm giving away any treasures.  And I won't be out looking for big bucks collectors!

Of course, I have way too many clothes that need culling.  Lots of them I made myself, and I love the fabrics, so am reluctant to send them on their way.  But the storage space is clogged, so I will cull away.  

So, I confess to needing an outlet for my thoughts, and here I am.  I'll try this again, since I enjoyed writing before.  And, I certainly have the time!